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What's on our mind...

Understanding the Spectrum of Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Preparing for the postpartum period is a bit like preparing for a series of inclement weather. With weather, we can make preparations based on forecasted events, location, and prior storm activity. With the postpartum period, we can prepare ourselves based on our own predictions of how we may feel, the amount of support available to us, and prior experience with mental health or medical challenges. Though the postpartum period can be full of sunny days, it’s important to understand the potential for storms. The intensity of these storms may range from a common rainstorm in the form of the Baby Blues, to something more severe like Postpartum Depression or Postpartum  Psychosis. 

New care model initiates better communication among patient and providers

Communication is key, we hear this phrase a lot, but in the delivery room, it’s imperative. As childbirth complications and maternal mortality continue to challenge health systems across the country, certain hospitals are looking at communication as a way to improve the safety and quality of maternity care.